Hobbs & Associates was awarded a project with a steam plant customer who needed several ventilation systems with multiple motor control cabinets. While putting together the project, Hobbs quickly realized that the ventilation package requirements were calling for multiple Sprecher + Schuh components which created a fairly large undertaking to manage the controls package. Thus, they considered a more effective approach would be to install the components in multi-motor starter panels.
Hobb’s next step: Contact their Sprecher + Schuh Sales Representative, Rich Lussier at Levine, Lectronics and Lectric. Hobbs is well aware that Sprecher + Schuh’s Panel Shop builds compact and efficient custom control panels. They knew that Sprecher would be a great team partner on this project.
Rich connected Hobbs with the Sprecher + Schuh Engineering Team - Mark Harris and Michael Burright. Mark and Mike worked with Hobbs to design a few control cabinets that included hopper panels to manage coal for steam boilers and multiple ventilation systems.